Brown Pusey House Centennial Bash: The Great Lawn Party Invites Community to Celebrate Together

Jun 22, 2023 | Blog

Brown Pusey House Centennial Bash: The Great Lawn Party Invites Community to Celebrate Together

Brown Pusey House Marks a Century: Grand Lawn Party Beckons the Community to Revel in Unity!
July 23, 2023

Hear ye, hear ye!

The illustrious Brown Pusey House calls upon all esteemed members of our community to partake in a grand jamboree on the afternoon of Sunday, July 23, 2023. In honour of the esteemed edifice’s hundredth year serving as a beacon of unity and camaraderie, a “Great Lawn Party” is to be held. The merriment is to commence at 2 o’clock post meridiem and shall continue till 8 in the evening.

In celebration of this significant milestone, the day promises a plethora of entertainment and victuals to delight one and all.

Guests can anticipate a convivial offering of hot dog combinations accompanied by chips and a beverage, all at the agreeable sum of merely $1.00. Complimentary popcorn and the much-favoured Kona shaved ice shall also be available for purchase, promising a veritable feast for the senses.

The Brown Pusey House, always mindful of its younger patrons, has arranged an assortment of amusements to charm and engage.

Time-honoured games like Croquet, Connect 4, Corn Hole and a host of others will be available for a friendly competition. For our youngest guests, a thrilling 63-foot obstacle course and a bouncy house promise endless joy and laughter. Furthermore, the talented “Rachel” shall be offering her face painting services in the grand ballroom of the house, complimentary for all attendees.

As the sun wanes, the garden of Cunningham shall be filled with melodious tunes.

The esteemed WQXE shall provide music from 2-4 pm, followed by a performance by the noted disc jockey, Mr James Hummel, who shall keep spirits high until the twilight hour.

Those partial to a fine brew or a glass of wine may avail themselves of such libations in the Garden area.

This centennial fete at the Brown Pusey House stands as more than a celebration; it is a testament to a hundred years of shared experiences and treasured memories. As we look forward to the dawn of another century of camaraderie, let us gather to create new memories that shall resonate through the ages.

All are cordially invited to partake in this grand day of joy, community spirit, and cherished memories.

Let us come together to ensure that this centennial celebration shall be etched in the annals of the Brown Pusey House!

Well, there you have it folks! We’ve cranked back the clock and channeled our inner 1923 to give you a glimpse of how this grand announcement might have sounded a hundred years ago.

Yes, the wording might be a tad more extravagant, and the tone slightly more formal, but hey, we’re celebrating a centenary here!

We’re going all out to embrace the spirit of the Brown Pusey House’s illustrious 100-year history. From the convivial offerings of hot dog combinations to the esteemed disc jockey’s high spirits, we’ve tried to capture the old-world charm that makes this place so special.

So dust off your top hats, fluff up your flapper dresses, and get ready for a roaring good time at the Great Lawn Party.

After all, you don’t turn a hundred every day!